Sunday, October 30, 2011

Midterm - links for assignments

Name:        Rosemarie Tagliamonte 
Main Blog:
I should have everything below, but if it isn’t it should be in order in my main blog. Some of the work overlapped from the class and the homework, so my blog does have everything done in order, following the classes and the homework assignments.

Class 1

Class 2

The six videos and descriptions:
Note: Spanish articles – were posted in yahoo and in the google documents (like the space suit)
Emails set for the articles, and a couple of responses from emails.

Class 3

My new Avatar: logged in and created
a) How to change your appearance
b) Navigating in small spaces
c) How to use Undo
d) How to use the building grid
e) How to Copy a prim
f) Linking prims
g) How to deal with annoyances
h) LAND: Terraforming  

Class 4

Install FRAPPS & Graphics Preference Video
EXTRA CREDIT: Rocket World Tour

Class 5

Class 6

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