Wednesday, September 28, 2011

f) Linking prims

This Linking prims video experience was similar between Rocket World and Second Life.  I was able to link as specified. After creating two objects, I was able to link the two of them by holding the shift key down and clicking the other object.  At that point you see the two objects have yellow boxes around showing they are linked.

The next part was to choose the Tools and select link, to link the two objects together.
After objects are linked, you will find that the yellow box is the parent, and the blue one is the child.  You can edit the properties by choosing each one separately.  From there, you can edit properties.  I was able to successfully change both items to be parent and child.
After unchecking the Edit linked parts, you can choose Tools=>unlink to go back to unlinked objects and you will be back to where you began.

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