Wednesday, September 28, 2011

a) How to change your appearance

a) How to change your appearance
This Experience in Rocket World I felt was a failure.  I tried many different options and finally crashed the application.  The right click of the avatar and the appearance choice and the avatar turning around saying that we could edit was really the only think I found that really worked.  I was able to successfully add a jacket, and changed the eyes a bit.  However, the previews and options were different from Second life.  Below are some of my screen shots. 

The same way to bring up changing appearance:

After bringing up the appearance, it shows the avatar as locked and unable to change appearances:
 Different way to choose eyes

 Was finally able to get the jacket to change and the previews looked somewhat similar to Second Life.

Trying to go through various other changes, and was not allowing me - there was a lock button on the top right preventing.

Finally, I played around so much trying to change something else and save it, Rocket World crashed.

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