Sunday, December 4, 2011

Homework for Class 12

Motion Capture "MOCAP" and Lip Synchronization ("lip sync")

About mocap:

" terms used to describe the process of recording movement and translating that movement on to a digital model"

Mocap in action: Watch this QuickTime movie

Homework Assignments (from web page)

1) Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) assignment.

Download and unZip  VRML characters. with the character zip file:

 Downloading BS Contact latest version

Installing Windows 7 Media Player

Windows Media Player successful install

Installing BS Contact latest version

Modify the face image texture for the "john_hi_vrml97" character (the high resolution version of VRML John). Edit the texture using a tool such as Paint or Photoshop to enhance John's appearance.

Original John File now starting to work with in PaintShop:

Adding blue eyes in Paint Shop

Adding red lips to John in Paint Shop
 Adding black hair and mustache in Paint Shop

Adding a red bow tie in Paint Shop

Note: To open the VRML files you will need a VRML browser plug-in such as the program called BS Contact that you can get from the download area here (warning: don't use blaxxun Contact, as it will not allow you to view the VRML file on your hard drive. Use BS Contact VRML 6.1 OR LATER instead).

Now opening the above new files in a BS Contact browser:
Blue eyes file created:

Blue eyes and red lips:
Blue eyes, red lips, mustache, and black hair:
Additional bow tie for the holidays! 

2) FaceGen Modeler assignment: Install the trial version of FaceGen Modeler (see "Real-time Synthetic Humans" notes above for the link). Use FaceGen Modeler to create a custom synthetic human head and face; use the Morph options to create interesting expressions. Blog at least 5 screenshots of your work as it takes shape (to show me how you created the head/face).

Installed FaceGen Modeler

FaceGen Model face creations:

Now created a male person:

3) Download and install America's Army (

Installed Steam as it is a prerequesite

 Added Steam Account

Installed America's Army on Steam

Installed American's Army Updates

America's Army many Updates

Anti-cheat install

Run America's Army and completing basic training.

Went through a few times - was very hard!!!

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