Sunday, December 4, 2011

Class 11 Synthetic Humans

Roll Call 1, Class 11

In Rocket World with our class

Fundamentals of synthetic humans, Moore’s Law, and Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) audio
View => Mouselook
GPU - graphics processing unit for 3D acceleration

Fake or Foto?

 Taking the test - it was very hard to tell if it was real or computer graphic generated - amazing!

Realtime vs non-realtime photorealistic rendering, synthetic humans, and the Uncanny Valley audio about the real or fake fotos!  Explaining about obvious differences between the real or fake photos.  It is a scary truth that the human visual system can be absolutely fooled completely.  Very amazing about the quality that is available on the desktop computer.  Virtual worlds and video games are starting to look very real.  Humanoid creatures that look real, but are not, like Lord of the Rings has with CG (computer generated) characters.

Rise of 'synthespians' (Christian Science Monitor) article

Andy Serkis plays behind Gollum from the Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

Synthespian stars - can they be nominated for an Oscar even though they are computer generated (CG) is very neat stuff.

Uncanny Valley - where robots look ALMOST but not perfectly like a human and until there is a point of where there is a revulsion.

Video 1- The Uncanny Valley:

Video 2- More about the Uncanny Valley:

Video 3- Ode to the Uncanny Valley:  

Video 4- Video Games & The Uncanny Valley:

Video 5- Look familiar? James May Gemenoid Robot

Video 6- How about this guy? Einstein the Robot with Facial Expressions

Video 7- Say “cheese” : Robots learn to Smile

Video 8- Synthetic humans. Watch the singing robot:

Video 9- Look closely at the eyes:

Video 10-And now consider this. What’s going on here?

Video 11- Keep in mind that even robots get lonely. Pets are just the ticket:
Video A  

WOW Classwork - I'm a skullcrusher in Mike's Group

Entering WOW
 WOW installing my non-critical updates

Logged into WOW as Azhara - RosieSharon in Skullcrusher

Invited into the group by Mike

Now in the Group


Mike's a great leader!  In WOW with our group.

All saying "hi" in the chat
Mike - with a star so we recognize him...

I'm with Jeewoo and Guy

I'm dancing after choosing /dance in the chat:

Wow Achievement

Dark Moon Fair
Wow Riding Pony
 Now ported out.

10) Click here to open the Synthetic Humans webpage use in combination with the audio file below (see Step #11 below).

11) Audio about digital synthetic humans as reviewing materials provided on the Synthetic Humans webpage above (Step #10 above). 

Audio Information:
MOCAP - motion capture. Smeagol - a humanoid - on high end desktop - you would get the same quality as Smeagol in Lord of the Rings.  Technology for real time has advanced so fast, that even desktops can have real time Smeagol on your computer today.  Uncanny Valley - term developed by robotists.  We accept robots like r2d2 as they are clearly not like humans.  Then we accept as they are close to humans, but if they are just like humans then we don't really like them so much.  We are sensitive to human beings.  If you get close enough to a human and have things missing - not exactly - then we don't like this very much, and makes us uneasy - we feel "uncanny."  The gap between being human and not exactly perfect is the uncanny feeling part - the uncanny valley.  Synthetic humans are approaching the "uncanny valley."  Sopranos - Tony's mother is in hospital.  Because she died before the scene - she is a 3D version.  They finished the scene with a synthetic human - an illusion we see on the film.  Gladiator - the trainer - there is a battle scene and he is killed.  He was unable to finish the scene - so since they had enough film of him, they created a digigital human (synthetic) to finish the movie.  Digital humans in movies - we don't sense the uncanny valley if the artists are good enough.  The Sopranos and the Gladiator are examples of humans and synthetic together and we didn't even know.  We are at the point where we cannot tell if real like or synthetics are utilized in movies.  It is very hard to tell as the synthetics are  very compellingly realistic.  A true immersive environment.

Synthetic Humans
Step 1:
FaceGen Modeller -

FaceGen Model Examples -

Just having a face isn't enough - you need a voice and need to be able to animate.

Step 2: FaceRobot - a new tool that allows very powerful animation for humans. The Face Robot videos below show some examples of what can be done to bring faces to life with movement (a cartoonish looking guy is used for these demos, but the technology can be applied to any synthetic face such as those shown above). Notice that Face Robot is no longer a stand-alone software product; it is build into more comprehensive 3D authoring tools. It's still helpful, however, to see the types of things that can be done with digital face manipulation software such as this:

12) Click here [or listen to this mirror] to hear me: a) summarize how a new generation of realtime 3D face and body animation tools that was ushered in by Face Robot and a few other ground-breaking tools in and around the year 2005 and, b) the homework assignments to do for next week. Note that the homework assignments are listed on the Synthetic Humans webpage above (Step #10).  [10 minutes]
New realtime 3D shift with face and body animation tools - Face Robot.  If you talk and takes a while for lips to move, we are very sensitive to this.  Lip Sync is for facial animation. Motion Capture and Lip Synchronization.
VRML - virtual reality to happen within the web browser, not outside like we have been working on.
For homework this is what you are going to be doing.  Take screenshots on your blog for virtual John and facegen modeling.
Assignment - step 1- install plugin bit manager contact - install and run - gives browser capability of viewing 3D capabilities.
Then download John 3D head - character to your desktop .wrl(short for world)  Can drag and drop into browser.  You will see bitmap image that has his head.  Is a strange looking face, but unwrapped - flat and 2D, but meant to go around a 3D feature.  But, you can still edit things on him.

Assignment 2
download facegen modeling - taking screenshots of yourself making animations.  You can make angry and sad, etc.  The trick is getting the software installed.  And it only runs on windows.

Do MoCap and Lip Syncing for homework.

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