Sunday, November 6, 2011

Class 8 Work

Downloading Two items from the google 3D warehouse -
A mirror downloaded in the most current version, in skp format

 Downloaded a most current version tree into skp latest format

Dragging into Wonderland - mirror - would not take in Wonderland.

Now trying the tree that was downloaded in skp format.
Another failure message for dragging and dropping into wonderland.

The drag-and-drop exercise above failed because the Sketchup file format is proprietary and not supported by Wonderland. This is a common problem in the video game and virtual reality industry: there is no single 3D file format that every virtual world or video game supports. You must therefore convert the Sketchup file format into a format that Wonderland supports. But what format?

Open 3D/VR Standards:
Cross-platform 3D/VR mesh file format are emerging, enabling content to be utilized across virtual worlds, simulators, games and augmented reality platforms. The Open Formats Technology Group is paving the way for this charge which not only includes across platform capabilities, but also high resolution formats.  This below video describes this capability

Create One, Share Everywhere Video describes the above Open 3D/VR Emerging Standards where content can be shared across platforms.

Designers are beginning to be able to create content in a platform, then utilizing their content across multiple platforms.  For instance, the Marilyn Blue Crab can be created in one platform, and utilized in another platform. We see the same building in Open Wonderland, Open Cobolt and in Sirikata, as we see the possum in Wonderland, Sirikata and then in the Immersive save in South Park Elementary School in Colorado-dragged and dropped.  As a side technical note, the upload of content in Wonderland, supporting upload, we can see the crab in the Wonderland Environment.  Then in realXtend, the same crab is able to drag from Wonderland into realXtend - this is a neat global scale immersive environment example.  You can start creating content, and prepare it to use across platforms which opens a whole new world of working globally across platforms.

This is the link to the described original announcement from above.

10. Downloaded items from the google 3D warehouse -  and successfully saved them into .skp formats, choosing the latest SketchUp version.  Most of the items I chose were saved in version 6.

Successfully opened saved models in Sketchup (.skp format) - below you see a tree and a mirror. I dragged and dropped into SketchUp.

11.Choose file=>Export=>3D

Collada Format (.dae)

File=>Export=>3D=Now the "Options" button under the export button

Default Sketchup COLLADA export settings under the options menu which is under the cancel button.

12. Drag and Drop your items into Wonderland with the collada format that you just created via the export from above - I have a mirror and tree - a *.dae file format.  Need to log out and log back into Wonderland to see my items.

Dragged the following items into Wonderland

First brought in some books(default dae collada file format - no changes under options)

Then added a tree(no changes under the options format-utilized the defaults)

And brought in a mirror(default)...

Then, brought in a fourth item by itself(default)... a lovely palm tree!  :-)


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