Sunday, November 20, 2011

Assignments Due for Class 11

2 Another Psychologically Beneficial Immersive Environment Screenshot (second one):

Final Project -see class 10's screen shots for my final project objects and snapshorts created in Wonderland.
Two articles to get a solid understanding of exactly what an MMORPG is and to learn more the MMORPG you have been playing in this class (WoW):
Personal Appeal From Wikipedia Personal Programmer Article: MMORPG-large amount of programmers compete in a virtual environment where players are usually represented by fantasy characters.

This redirects to the following WOW page which defines wow as the "multi-player" on-line role playing game MMORPG:

Class 10

World of Warcraft class leveling up with Mike Yacoub team and Mike as our fantastic WOW leader.  Mike took screen shots for our group...


1) Read Article and Watched Video:

Snapshot Video from Article:

2) Download large Snapshot informative video and watched from my desktop:

3) Create your own snapshot in Wonderland

Bringing in a picture and my 3D tent dome object into Wonderland.

Moved the tent dome under my photo by right clicking the object, choosing properties, and dragging the tent dome under my picture.  Thus, my photo is now my container.

4) Search the Google 3D Warehouse for the BEST QUALITY HUMAN BRAIN YOU CAN FIND. Don’t rush: look for the highest visual quality 3D human brain on the warehouse.

  My favorite human brain!
Searched via both "brain" and "human brain" and received the below human brain.  It is in 3D and has great detail in both black and white with gray shadings, and a red bottom.

5) Reviewing the first 4 sections of the Immersive Education Initiative Charter with special focus on the terms “open” and section “IV. OPEN AND ROYALTY-FREE”. [10 minutes]

1. Overview and Mission
2. Membership
3. Intellectual Property
4. Open and Royalty Free

Final project work in Open Wonderland Low Capacity - moved two of my objects into Wonderland.
Here is the Low Capacity Wonderland URL we are utilizing.

The Human Brain for the Center of our Final Project.  As Aaron asked during class after looking at all the brains, I downloaded the 3D brain, moving into SketchUp, increased the size, exported into COLLADA format, and dragged and dropped into Wonderland, just in front of the starting point.  When someone goes into this Wonderland, they will find the brain as the center and starting point.  This is the center for our final project.

The link for the human brain:

Human Brain is now moved into Wonderland in front of the Starting Point for our class final project.

My Final Billboards and Objects:
NewWays Counseling/Sunshine Therapy Garden - a 3D flower object and new billboard in Wonderland to promote wellness.

For Autistic Liberation Front  - 3D tent dome object with new billboard in Wonderland promoting Autistic wellness.

9) Creating a SubSnapshot for each of my exhibits. 

Moving my Virtual flower object into the poster container:

Exporting the NewWays Counseling/Sunshine Therapy Garden poster container with the flowers

Autistic Liberation front with Poster Container containing the tent dome.

Export of Autistic Liberation Front poster container with the tent dome.

Sent to professor - my two 3D objects in poster containers

Class 10 Snapshots of two 3D Objects in poster Containers - Rose Tagliamonte

Monday, November 14, 2011

Homework for Class 10

Downloading Snapshot Video to my PC

Watching video

Snapshot a way of exporting content and bringing back into Wonderland.
Right click your object
Export=>Save your object
(it will be saved as filename.wlexport (file type)
Can now move and drop into any Wonderland world.

After moving item into world, can right click, edit and rename item.

Also, can right click into properties, and have items in another items' folder.  Like the toy basket his the main folder and some other items are inside the toy box.  You can see this on the screen.

Generally, this is a great way to share content - utilizing the export function.

Snapshot - don't need admin privileges and no server restarts.  So, saving to hard drive works very well.

MMORPG is an abbreviation for Massively Multiplayer On-line Role Playing which is when a large number of players are participating in role-playing games in a virtual environment. World of Warcraft is an example of a very popular MMORPG. Below is the wiki article further detailing from


World of Warcraft - downloading  from, installing and running

Downloading and installing Ventilio 

 Below is the confirmation of my Tent Dome being 3D

I have added a new object to replace my musicians for Virtual Helping Hands as they were only 2D.  I have chosen some flowers, and they are version 6.  Below is my flower object in SketchUp, as well as the export options which are the defaults.  The flowers are located at the following:

Here is my 3D confirmation:

Below are the flowers moved into Wonderland next to me.

Also added a Red Couch as an object for Virtual Helping Hands as well- version 8 and below are my sketchup default options.  This is an extra object I added.

Couch now in Wonderland next to me

6) New “psychologically beneficial immersive environment” that is NOT already listed here. Submitted as listed below:

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Class 9

Running the ladder

Game Board

Visiting Wonderland at: and text chatting with classmates...

Creating poster in Wonderland and editing it

 Adding some html and links:

Added link to my Blog on my poster

Used the html from the lecture notes and added my blog link

Adding my image to the poster and link on the bottom right - had to use the picture that Aaron sent because my digital image was causing issues in Wonderland because it was too large

Also, the digital, smaller cropped picture did not work.  It crashed my session, so I removed it as well.  However, was able to successfully put the pictures and link into the poster, no problem as shown in the screen shot above.

Roll Call2, For this Class 9